The province of Manisa is located in Western Anatolia between Spil Mountain and Gediz River and is at an important junction point for transportation of Aegean Region. Just east of the coastal city of Izmir over the Sabuncubeli Pass, Manisa was founded as Magnesia in 190 BCE. An important yet provincial centre during the Ottoman period, Manisa recently started to emerge as one of the industrial powerhouses of Turkish economy.
The city is a developed agricultural, industrial and trade city.The foundation history descends to the BC 3000 years and the traces and remnants of Hittite,Frig, Lydia, Macedonian, Roman, Byzantine, Turkish States and Ottoman civilizations are found in the city. The intensified culture and art throughout the history and the crossing trade routes had made the province of Manisa an attractive and interesting holiday center with the rich cultural and natural beauties providing different holiday possibilities.
Goddess of Anatolia: Sculpture of Cybele in the southeast of Manisa have been so many civilizations and cultures, with different names. Although the sculpture was carved into the rock, at a height of 8-10 meters, many have been damaged by natural factors such as rock reliefs.
Museum of Manisa: Initially, the work in the area of the madrasa complex in Muradiye item is stored. Work schedule due to the proliferation of madrasas, part of the period at the initiative of local managers as a museum was opened on October 29, 1937. Insufficient remaining parts of the madrasas in 1972 after restoration work has been done with the archeological department of almshouse, the ethnographic section is divided into madrasahs.
Kula Kenan Evren Etnografya Müzesi: In the Kula district of Manisa. County home that the 7th President of Turkey, Kenan Evren was was born in has been expropriated and organized as Ethnography Museum.
Yoğurtçu Kalesi: Manisa up to 20 miles away. Although archaeological excavations have not yet, are very strong on the structure of the Byzantine, or even down to the Roman period is likely.