Obstetrics And Gynaecology

When admission frequencies are taken into consideration, gynecological diseases that are managed in our hospitals are as follows:

  • Supervision of pregnancy and delivery
  • Congenital or acquired structural defects of internal and external female genitalia
  • Adolescence period, gynecological diseases
  • Diagnosis and management of menopause
  • Hormonal disorders
  • Diagnosis and management of recurrent miscarriages
  • Diagnosis and management of infertility
  • Genital tract infections
  • Urinary incontinence
  • Menstrual irregularities and abnormal vaginal bleedings
  • Sexually transmitted diseases
  • Genital prolapse etc.

General Gynecological Examination

This is based on presenting to a gynecologist at least annually for all women. It includes pelvic examination, pelvic ultrasonography and cervical smear. Cervical cancer can be early diagnosed with this test.

Suspected lesions can be identified and further examinations are planned based on PAP smear data. When cervical cancer is clinically evident, it may be too late. Therefore, women with no complaint are required to have routine gynecological examination annually and take this test.

Pap smear is a test that is performed by gynecologist in examination room and lasts only a few minutes. Cervical cells are sampled using a specific brush and sent to Pathology Laboratory for examination. This procedure is pain-free.

Most important symptom of cervical cancer is vaginal bleeding, particularly post-coital bleeding. Another symptom is broth-colored discharge. All types of persisting or long-standing discharge should be investigated. When those symptoms emerge, it may be too late, or in other words, cancer cells might have been spread to adjacent and distal organs. Pap-smear test should be done while there is no symptom, as I have stated before. Pap-smear test is done annually and enables early diagnosis and treatment of cervical cancer and may rescue life.

Family Planning Methods:

Patients are primarily informed about methods and method is selected, if required, jointly by the spouse. Patients are individually evaluated and selected, since there is no single method that fits every patient. Patient is correctly informed about birth control pills among modern contraceptive methods, and intrauterine device can be placed. If requested, tube ligation can be performed, which is a permanent method.

Pre-conception evaluations

A detailed interview is conducted with couples before conception. Family histories are obtained and possible risk factors (consanguineous marriage, postnatal problems in previous deliveries, age of pregnant, blood incompability, pregnant with past medical history of diabetes mellitus, thyroid disease and hypertension) are evaluated. Necessary examinations are performed and the patient is informed.

Antenatal examinations

These examinations start with diagnosis of pregnancy and repeated once at 4-week intervals for first 32 weeks. Next, they are done at two-week intervals after 32 weeks’ pregnancy and frequency is reduced to once a week after 36 weeks. Weight and blood pressure of pregnant are analyzed in every visit. Baby is assessed with sonogram. Necessary tests and examinations are carried out according to prenatal development process.

Screening test in 11 to 14 weeks: This new test enables estimation of risk of Down Syndrome and other similar diseases at the period mentioned above. PAPP-A and b-HCG parameters are analyzed in maternal blood after fetal nuchal translucency is determined with a sonogram.

Level II Ultrasound and Doppler: Fetus is evaluated in detail at 19 to 23 weeks of gestation and sufficiency of blood circulation between baby and mother is determined. Tests and follow-up are maintained as delivery comes to an end and fetal heartbeat sounds and uterine contractions are monitored with NST (non-stress test) after Week 32.

Menopause examination

Patient is informed about menopause, which is defined as minimum one year of amenstrual period, and pre-menopausal period, which is characterized with commencement of irregular periods. Pelvic examination and ultrasonography, cervical smear sampling, breast examination, mammographic monitoring and osteoporosis-related examinations are performed.

Maternity Services

Lifestyle regulation and follow-up have great importance in pregnancy periods. Regular supervision is required for fetal health as much as maternal health in pregnancy period.

Our unit adopts the principle “problem-free pregnancy and healthy baby are rights of every woman” for prenatal care.

Therefore, it is necessary to supervise both maternal and fetal health and development and to determine any aberration, if any, in pregnancy period.

Supervision procedures include tests and examinations that are performed under supervision of Obstetrics Unit. Mother and neonate are started on treatment, if required, based on resultant data.

Necessary precautions are selectively taken according to data of regular follow-ups.

Healthcare services available in Obstetrics Unit are as follows:

  • Periodical care in prenatal period
  • Pain-free labor (delivery under epidural anesthesia)
  • Management and follow-up of high-risk pregnancy
  • Repeated miscarriages
  • Management and follow-up of intra-uterine growth retardation
  • Management of multiple pregnancies
  • Treatment of gestational diabetes mellitus and hypertension.
  • Treatment and follow-up of bleeding during pregnancy

Our principal purpose in Gynecology and Obstetrics Clinic is to employ and spread preventive medicine procedures. Our services in this field:

  • General Gynecological Examination
  • Family Planning Methods:
  • Pre-conception evaluations and examinations
  • Antenatal care
  • Menopause examinations

Pain-free labor

Delivery is regarded as most important corner stone of life for a woman. It is accompanied by physical and social changes. Pregnant women can prefer delivery under epidural anesthesia that is available at our hospital.


Contact us for more information on the Obstetrics And Gynaecology services available in Turkey and how we may assist you in living accomodations, translation and transportation services. Ideally, our clients stay in the city of Mersin for the duration of their medical stay, however, arrangements may be made in several major cities in the country according to your preference.

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